Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Chamaecrista pumila - (Lamk.) K. Larsen
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Sarmal, Dwarf Cassia
Habit Herb
Synonym Cassia pumila Lamk.
Habitat Rocky areas
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaflets very small, many with a gland at the base of rachis, gland stalked; stamens 5.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Prostrate or very low, diffused undershrub; branchlets finely downy; leaves variable, leaflets 20-40 pairs, linear, oblong-elliptic, glabrous above, sparsely villous below, mid nerve close to upper margin, base cuneate, margins ciliate, apex obtuse, mucronate; petiole with a basal stalked or stipitate gland; petiole and petiolules reduced, stipules linear, rigid, persistent; flowers yellow, 1 cm across, axillary, on very short pedicel; calyx lobes-5, lanceolate, densely pubescent; petals 5, yellow, ovate, little exserted, clawed; stamens 5, equal, all perfect, erect, anthers dehiscing by terminal pores; ovary stipitate, straight, slightly pubescent; pods short, stipitate, straight, flat, compressed, nearly glabrescent; seeds 6-12, brown, slightly acute at ends. |