Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Delonix Regia - Hook. Raf.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Gulmohar, Flame tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Poinciana regia Hook.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Crimson red
Key Characters Plant unarmed, rachis not flattened, pods flat.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Deciduous, large, unarmed tree with spreading crown, grey to pale-brown bark; branchlets puberulous; leaves 10-30 cm long, pinnae 5-10 pairs, leaflet 15-20 pairs, oblong, glabrous, entire, obtuse; racemes axillary or terminal, simple or branched; flowers crimson red; calyx lobes 5, subequal, coriaceous, oblong-oblanceolate, valvate; petals-5, free, scarlet with yellow, obovate, suborbicular, obtuse, with long claw, margins fimbriate; stamens 10, free, much exserted, nearly equal to or shorter than petals, filaments subulate, anther linear, versatile, empty anthers villous at base; ovary densely pubescent, sub-sessile, style filiform, stigma minute, capitate; pods broadly linear, woody, reddish brown, flat, continuous within, dehiscent; seeds 8 to many, oblong, glabrous, smooth, white or creamy white. |