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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cocculus hirsutus - (L.) W. Theob.
Family Menispermaceae
Common Name Patal-garundi, Fish-berry
Habit Climber
Synonym Cocculus villosus DC.
Habitat Wild in tropical and subtropical regions
Color Of Flower Greenish yellow
Key Characters Leaves subdeltoid with narrow lobes
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Evergreen, perennial, slender, softly villous, herbaceous climber; petiole short, not dilated at the base; leaves alternate, simple, ovate-oblong, villous on both surfaces, oblique, truncate, subdeltoid or subcordate, entire, apex retuse, mucronate, 3 nerved; flowers axillary, small, unisexual, bracteate; bracts minute, linear; male flowers greenish yellow, villous in axillary, short panicle; sepals 3+3, free, outer smaller, greenish yellow, thin, obovate; petals 6, smaller than sepals, auricled; stamens 6, free, enclosed or enbraced by small, yellow petals; anther subglobose, bursting tranversely; female flowers 1-3 in axillary fascicles, rarely racemed; petals hairy, thick, fleshy, 2-lobed with swollen bases; carpels-3, smooth; styles cylindric, subulate or reflexed; stigma terete, thick; drupe, globose, laterally compressed, black or purple; endocarp horse shoe shaped. |