Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Parkinsonia aculeata - L.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Vilayti Kikar, Ram Babul, Jerusalem Thorn
Habit Small tree or shrub
Synonym Parkinsonia thornberi M.E. Jones
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Plant armed, rachis flattened,pods moniliform.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Armed, glabrous shrubs or low tree, up to 4-6 m tall; branches tomentose, spinous, woody, drooping; leaves bipinnate, primary rachis, ending in long, stout spine; pinnae or secondary rachis, 2-3 pairs, long, striate, flattened like phyllodes; leaflets, minute 40-50 pairs, subopposite, oblanceolate, entire, obtuse; stipules spinescent; flowers few or many in axillary or terminal, lax racemes, shorter than the leaves; calyx deeply cleft, tube short, lobes 5, lanceolate, subequal, valvate, with subbasal disk; petals 5, yellow, exserted, obovate to suborbicular, subequal, claw short, very long in upper one; stamens 10, free, included, villous, filaments subequal, anthers versatile; ovary sessile or subsessile, many ovuled, style filiform; pods 5-10 cm long, flat, copper brown in colour, moniliform or slightly constricted between seeds, turgid, dry, dehiscent, narrowly winged on both sutures; seeds 3-6, compressed, brown. |