Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Senna siamea - (Lamk.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Kassod, Kassod/Black Wood Cassia
Habit Tree
Synonym Cassia florida Vahl
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Trees, stamens 7; pods thick, flowers in large panicles, leaflets oblong, obtuse.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Moderate sized tree, 6-10 m tall; bark grey, longitudinally fissured, terete, virgate, branchlets glabrescent; leaves 15-20 cm, distinctly stalked, without gland; leaflets 6-10 pairs, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, glaucous, mucronate, entire, subcoriaceous, glabrous above, pilose below, nerves prominent; stipules minute, subulate, caducous; panicles corymbose, terminal as well as axillary; flowers yellow, up to 2 cm across; calyx lobes-5, elliptic- ovate, concave, very obtuse, downy; petals 5, golden yellow, ovate-elliptic, clawed; stamens 10, subequal, upper 3 staminodes with erect filaments and empty anthers; ovary sessile, many ovuled, pubescent, style incurved, stigma terminal; pods long, straight, stipitate, strap shaped, narrow, flat, or compressed, woody with thickened sutures; seed 20-30, greyish brown. |