Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Senna sophera - (L.) Roxb.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Kasaundi , Kath-sem, Senna Sophera
Habit Shrub or under shrub
Synonym Cassia atroviridis Span.
Habitat Wastelands
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves exstipulate, leaflets acute, rachis grooved, leaflets 6-12 pairs, sepals pubescent, pods 6-10 cm
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrubs or undershrubs up to 3 m tall; branches diffused, terete, glabrous or sub-glabrous, young parts pubescent; leaves about 12 cm long; petiole with a conical or globular gland; stipules caducous; leaflets 6-12 pairs, oblong, lanceolate, opposite, subcoriaceous, acute, entire; inflorescence simple or compound, corymbose racemes, axillary or terminal; bract ovate, small; flower yellow, 2 cm across; calyx lobes 5, obtuse, greenish yellow; petals 5, subequal, ovate, obtuse, yellow; stamens 10, upper 3-4 reduced to staminodes, remaining perfect; ovary stipitate, pilose, style incurved; pods linear, oblong, turgid, not torulose when mature, straight or slightly curved; seeds 30-40, broadly ovoid, flat, acute, compressed, dark brown. |