Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Senna surattensis - (Burm. F.) Irwin
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Sun shine tree
Habit Tree or large shrub
Synonym Cassia galuca Lam.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Stamens10; pods thin, flowers in racemes.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large shrub or small trees, about 5-9 m tall; terete, glabrous braches; leaf rachis pale with a clavate gland between each of the 2-3 basal pairs of leaflets; stipules short, linear, acute, falcate, caducous; leaflets 4-6 pairs, the lowest pair smallest, elliptic oblong, subobtuse, acute, margin-entire, glabrous above, very glaucous beneath; flower yellow in axillary, corymbose racemes; bract ovate to lanceolate; calyx-lobes 5, large, unequal, obtuse, concave, glabrous, membranous; petals 5, bright yellow, ovate, clawed, broadly ovate, obtuse; stamens 10, all perfect, sub-equal, tomentose; ovary stalked, oblong, slightly puberulous, style slender, incurved; pods cylindric, flat, slightly compressed, straight, thin, strongly nerved, glabrous, 6-10 cm long, distinctly stalked; seeds 20-30, oblong, smooth, dark brown, shining. |