Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tamarindus indica - L.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Imli, Tamarindus, Indian Date tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Tamarindus officinalis Hook.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Stamens monadelphous, anther opening by longitudinal slits.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, evergreen, unarmed trees, 15-30 m tall with dense crown and fissured, rough bark; branchlets tomentose; stipules caducous, linear, lanceolate; leaves alternate, even pinnate, leaflets 10-20 pairs, opposite, linear-oblong, obtuse, entire; racemes lax, few flowered, terminal on short branchlets; pedicels articulated at the base of calyx; flowers yellow with pink tinge; bracts boat shaped, enclosing the bud, caducous; pedicels short; calyx tube turbinate, lobes 3, subequal, imbricate, lower 2 connate; petals only 3 developed, yellow striped with red, upper hooded, lateral-2 ovate, lower-2 reduced to scales; stamens 3, perfect, others reduced to bristles, monadelphous, filaments pubescent, anthers oblong, versatile; ovary stipitate, many ovuled, style filiform, stigma capitate; pod linear, ligulate, slightly compressed, falcate, thick, fruit wall with thin crustaceous epicarp, thick pulpy mesocarp, indehiscent; seeds 3-10 or more, obovoid, orbicular, compressed. |