Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Acacia catechu - (L.F.) Willd.
Family Mimosaceae
Common Name Kattha, Red Cutch
Habit Tree
Synonym Acacia wallichiana DC.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pale yellow
Key Characters Stipular spines present, petioles not modified into phyllodes.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Medium sized, deciduous tree, about 5-7 m tall, with hooked spines; brown bark, splitting irregularly, red inside; leaves bipinnate, 5-6 cm long, rachis about 10 cm long, pubescent with a large gland at the base of petiole, 20-40 pairs of pinnae, leaflets 30-50 pairs, ligulate, small, stipular thorns short, hooked in pairs; flower white to yellow in axillary, pedunculate spikes, 5-10 cm long, pinnae 40-80 pairs, pinnules 30-50 pairs, small, ligulate, linear oblong, base cordate, margin entire, apex sub-acute; peduncle 2-3 cm long; flower small, actinomorphic, bisexual, tetra or pentamerous; calyx 4 toothed, campanulate, hairy, teeth deltoid; corolla lobes 4, 2-3 times longer than sepals, ovate-oblong, sub-acute, clothed with distinct, spreading, grey hairs; stamens many, free, filaments slender, anthers minute; ovary sessile, glabrous, style filiform; pods flat, narrow, strap shaped, smooth or glabrescent, dark brown, dehiscent; seeds-5 to 15, compressed. |