Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Acacia concinna - (Willd.) DC.
Family Mimosaceae
Common Name Shikakai, Soap pod tree
Habit Shrub
Synonym Acacia polycephala DC.
Habitat Dry deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Dull white
Key Characters Flowers in globose heads, scandent shrub with decurved prickles, stipular spines absent.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Extensively scandent, armed shrub; branches and rachis dotted with fine, grey pubescence; main rachis with sharp hooked, scattered prickles; petiole with a large gland near the base and other between upper 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae; stipules ovate, cordate; leaves bippinate, pinnae 6-8 pairs, pinnules subsessile, 15-25 pairs, linear, membranous, pale green above, glaucous beneath, subglabrous; flowers in globose heads on fascicled peduncles in terminal panicles; bract conspicuous, oblique, membranous, subpersistent; calyx funnel-shaped; corolla creamy white with red tinge, little exerted; stamens many, free, much exerted; ovary pubescent, style slender; pods about 7-10 cm, shortly stalked, 6-10 seeded, straight, thick, succulent, shriveled when dry, sutures broad, slightly constricted between the seeds, flattened, brown. |