Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Acacia pennata - (L.) Willd.
Family Mimosaceae
Common Name Chundria, Climbing Wattle
Habit Climber
Synonym Mimosa penneta L.
Habitat Mixed forest
Color Of Flower White/Pale yellow
Key Characters Flowers white or pale yellow.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A large climbing or scrambling shrub, armed with numerous hooked prickles; young branches and petioles pubescent, large plate shaped gland at the base of petiole and same between each of the 2-4 upper pairs of pinnae; leaves up to 15 cm long, pinnae 8-15 pairs, leaflets 40-50 pairs, leaflets linear-oblong, obtuse, unequal sided, glabrous, slightly overlapping; head 1-2 cm, globose, in terminal panicles, peduncles downy; flowers subsessile, white or pale yellow; bracts minute, lanceolate; calyx sub-campanulate, short, glabrous; corolla slightly exceeding the calyx; stamens many, free, much exserted, anthers minute; ovary shortly stipitate, many ovuled, style slender, stigma minute; pods 15-20 X 2-3 cm, dehiscent, glabrous, thin, straight, strap-shaped, sutures rather raised, reddish-brown. |