Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Albizia saman - (Jacq.) Merr.
Family Mimosaceae
Common Name Vilayati Babool, Rain tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pale pink
Key Characters Flowers pedicellate, pink-purple & white.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, unarmed, evergreen tree with large spreading crown; leaves bipinnate large, pinnae 3-7 pairs; pinnules 3-8 pairs, terminal pairs slightly larger, ovate-oblong, glabrous above, pubescent beneath, midrib accentric, ending in a mucronate tip; heads long peduncled, axillary, globose in corymbose racemes; bracts lanceolate, tomentose; calyx funnel shaped, hairy outside, teeth-5, short, triangular, acute; corolla pale pink, oblong, valvate; stamens many, monadelphous, much exerted, jointed below, filaments purple, fading to white below; ovary sessile, many ovuled, style filiform, stigma terminal; pods indehiscent, ligulate, lomentum, septate; seeds 6-10, embedded in fleshy, sweet pulp. |