Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Parkia biglandulosa - W. & A.
Family Mimosaceae
Common Name Shivlinga, Badminton ball tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Mimosa pedunculata Roxb.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pale yellow
Key Characters Gland paired on petiole; pinnae 20-30 pairs, leaflets 70-100 pairs.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Unarmed, tall tree; bark black, rough; young branchlets pubescent; petioles with two glands, primary rachis 60-80 cm long; leaves bipinnate, feather like, pinnae 20-30 pairs, pinnules very numerous about 75-100 pairs per pinna; leaflets linear, ligulate, membranous; flowers in dense, long peduncled (about 20-30 cm), globose, solitary, axillary, pendulous heads; bract ligulate, coriaceous, persistent, spoon shaped tip; calyx tubular, shortly 5-toothed, imbricate, glabrous tube and pilose teeth; corolla 5-toothed, subvalvate, creamy white or pale yellow, connate at the base; staminal tube long, stamens 10, monadelphous, filaments long united in lower part with each other and with the corolla tube, anthers eglandular, pollen cohering in irregular masses; ovary stipitate, glabrous, style filiform, stigma minute; pods large, flat, strap shaped, gradually tapering to a long stalk, dehiscent, brown, slightly curved when dry; seeds 6-13, ellipsoid to ovoid, compressed. |