Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Parkia timoriana - (Dc.) Merr.
Family Mimosaceae
Common Name Sapota, yongchak, Tree bean
Habit Tree
Synonym Mimosa roxburghii G. Don
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Gland solitary on petiole; pinnae 10-12 pairs, leaflets 50-60 pairs.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Unarmed, erect, very tall tree; bark brown, hard, thick; petioles with solitary gland, primary rachis about 30-40 cm long, glabrous; leaves bipinnate, feather like, pinnae 10-12 pairs, pinnules 50-60 pairs per pinna; leaflets ligulate, membranous, linear; flowers small, fragrant, yellow in dense, globose turbinate, heads, long peduncled 30-50 cm, axillary, pendulous; bract persistent, coriaceous, clavate, apex dilated; calyx tubular, 5-toothed, glabrous, teeth pilose; corolla 5-toothed, connate at base; stamens 10, monoadelphous, staminal tube long, filaments long, anthers minute, eglandular, pollen cohering into irregular masses; ovary shortly stalked, few to many ovuled, glabrous, style filiform, stigma capitate; pods elongated, narrowed gradually into long stalk, glabrous, dehiscent, brown, strap shaped, slightly constricted between the seeds; seeds 6-13, large, ovoid, compressed. |