Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Prosopis cineraria - L.
Family Mimosaceae
Common Name Janti, Chenkur, Shami, Sponge tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Mimosa cineraria L.
Habitat Desert areas
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Flowers yellow; pods cylindric, torulose.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Moderate sized tree; branches slender, grey with copious, few or no prickles, if present scattered, broad, conical, straight, straw colored; leaves paripinnate ,pinnae usually 2 pairs with a gland between each pair, pinnules 8-12 pairs, sessile, ligulate, oblique, oblong, cuspidate, rigidly coriaceous, grey, glabrous, caducous; flowers yellow, small in slender, elongate spikes, arranged in short, axillary or terminal panicles; calyx minute, campanulate, subentire or 5 toothed; petals-5, connate at base, yellow; stamens 10, free, exserted, filaments filiform, anthers crowned with a gland; ovary stalked, many ovuled, style filiform, stigma minute; pods pendulous, slender, cylindric, straight, torulose, thick, narrowed gradually into a short stalk, mesocarp edible; seeds 10-15, oblong, brown. |