Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Rosa cymosa - Tratt.
Family Rosaceae
Common Name Desi Gulab, Rose
Habit Shrub
Synonym Rosa indica L.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Red
Key Characters Calyx tube ureceolate, carpels apocarpous.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect or climbing shrub, usually with stout, hooked prickles, stipules long, narrow, adnate almost to the petiole, leaves alternate, pinnate; leaflets 3-7, large, elliptic or lanceolate, glabrous, acuminate, serete; flowers solitary or in short, terminal, corymbose panicles, large, red/pink/, very fragrant; bracts rarely persistent; calyx tube urceolate or globose, persistent, lobes often leafy, deflexed; corolla red, white, fragrant, petals 5 or more, large, orbicular-obovate, imbricate; stamens very numerous, inserted on the disk, coating the calyx tube; carpels many, free, in the bottom of calyx tube; stigma thickened; styles sub-terminal, free; ovary with 1 solitary, pendulous ovule; achenes coriaceous, included in fleshy calyx tube. |