Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Bryophyllum pinnatum - (Lam.) Oken
Family Crassulaceae
Common Name Patharchatta, Cathedral Bells, Life plant
Habit Herb
Synonym Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamk.) Pers.
Habitat Shady places
Color Of Flower Red/ purple
Key Characters Leaves simple and pinnate on same plant; calyx shortly 4-fid.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Succulent, glabrous herb, leaves opposite, decussate, lower usually simple, elliptic-oblong, thick, glabrous, obtuse, crenate or subincised crenate, long petioled; flowers in large, pendent, spreading panicles, pale green with reddish purple tinge; calyx with long, inflated tube, lobes 4- fid, triangular, valvate, shorter than tube; corolla tubular, 4-lobed, triangular, green with reddish tinge, swollen at base, constricted in middle, twice as long as calyx lobes; stamens 8 in 2 series, inserted on the middle of corolla tube, filaments green at the base, pinkish near the anthers; hypogynous scales-4, obtuse; carpels-4, free or connate, attenuated into long styles, ovules many; fruit follicle, 4, enclosed in the persistent, papery calyx; seeds small, oblong, smooth or longitudinally striate. |