Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Poelin.
Family Crassulaceae
Common Name Miracle plant, Brilliant star
Habit Herb
Synonym Kalanchoe globulifera var. coccinea H. perrier
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Scarlet Red
Key Characters Leaves entire or crenate; flowers scarlet red.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, tall, erect, succulent, glabrous herb with purple blotches on stem; leaves opposite, simple, fleshy, green with purple margins, elliptic-ovate, crenate, obtuse, base rounded; flowers in dense terminal, corymbose panicles; flowers red, small, about 1 cm across, shortly pedicelled, actinomorphic, bisexual; calyx 4-lobed, cleft half way down; corolla clawed with spreading limbs, twice as long as the calyx; stamen 8 in two series, adnate to petals; carpels 4, apocarpous, adnate to the base of corolla tube, ovules many; follicles-4; seeds many, oblong, ellipsoidal with longitudinal ribs on its back. |