Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Kalanchoe laciniata - (L.) Dc.
Family Crassulaceae
Common Name Patharchur, Christmas plant
Habit Herb
Synonym Kalanchoe brachycalyx A. Rich.
Habitat Shady places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves deeply lobed or laciniate; flowers yellow.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, succulent herbs; stem thick at the base, glabrous or glandular hairy, erect, terete, smooth; leaves densely glandular, pubescent, lanceolate, oblanceolate or lamina usually divided or laciniate, segments lanceolate to linear, acute, entire or dentate; petiole flat, grooved, enlarged into a clasping base; flowers yellow, rarely white or pale pink, in erect, compound, corymbose, glabrous cymes with numerous, small, lanceolate bracts; calyx densely glandular-pubescent divided about half way down into 4 segments, sepals triangular ovate, oblong, acute or acuminate; corolla yellow, tube glandular-pubescent in the upper part, petals ovate-oblong acuminate; stamens-8 in 2-series, adnate to petals, scales narrow, linear, whitish, membranous; carpels-4, free or connate, glabrous; fruits follicles enclosed in persistent calyx; seeds longitudinally ribbed, oblong, ellipsoid, brown. |