Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Drosera Indica - L.
Family Droseraceae
Common Name Kandulessa, Linear leaved sundew
Habit Herb
Synonym Drosera angustifolia F. Muell.
Habitat Open places
Color Of Flower Purple
Key Characters Insectivorous perennial herbs
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Slender, perennial, caulescent herb with glandular, hairy, slightly compressed, decumbent stems; leaves alternate, long, linear, glandular pubescent, usually circinate, lower ones recurved, upper ones erect, filiform, the distal part copiously fringed with very fine, gland-tipped tentacles, proximal half glabrous; stipules absent; usually axillary racemes or leaf opposed, spreading or arching, glandular hairy, 3-20 flowered; bracts minute, linear; calyx 4-8 partite, free from ovary; sepals lanceolate, minutely glandulose, persistent; petals 4-8, red rose or pink to purple, narrowly spathulate, slightly larger than calyx; stamens as many as petals, inserted on the disk, anthers hastate; ovary 1-celled, ovules numerous, parietal placenta, styles 2-5, filiform, 3-fid to the base; capsules 2-5-valved, dehiscent; seeds many, minute, obovoid, strongly ridged with raised reticulation. |