Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Anogeissus acuminata - (Roxb. Ex Dc.) Guill. & Perr.
Family Combretaceae
Common Name Dhau,Dhawra, Buttoon Tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Anogeissus pierrei Muell.
Habitat Deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Calyx-cup completely pubescent outside.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Trees or large shrubs; branches drooping; leaves alternate, petiolate, subopposite, broadly elliptic or oblong, acute at both ends, base cuneate; glabrous or sparsely hairy above, pubescent beneath; flower capitate in dense globose heads up to 2 cm in diameter, globose, peduncles solitary, much shorter than the leaves; flowers yellow or greenish-yellow; calyx tube long, attenuated above the ovary, subpersistent, glabrous, limbs-5, small, deciduous; petals absent; stamens 10 in 2 series, filaments slender; ovary inferior, 1-celled, glabrous below, ovules-2, pendulous from top of the cell, styles 1, short, filiform, stigma simple; fruit shining, glabrous, compressed, winged with persistent calyx and short style; seed-1, ovoid. |