Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Anogeissus pendula - Edgew.
Family Combretaceae
Common Name Kadai, Kardhai
Habit Shrub or small tree
Synonym Anogeissus myrtifolia Wall.
Habitat Dry deciduous forests.
Color Of Flower Yellow-green
Key Characters Persistent calyx-stalk much shorter than fruit.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrub or small tree with pubescent branches; leaves alternate, subopposite, small, elliptic or obovate, obtuse or acute, base always narrowed, somewhat appressed with short hairs beneath; flowers greenish-yellow in axillary and terminal globose heads; peduncles solitary, simple, sometimes with an elliptic, leaf like bract; calyx long, stalked, cup glabrous, sometimes silky at the base; petals absent; stamens 10 in 2 series, filaments slender; ovary inferior, 1-celled, glabrous below; styles 1-3, short, filiform; stigma simple; fruit subquadrate, beak much less than half the height of the nucleus; glabrous except at the apex, wings narrow. |