Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Terminallia cattapa - L.
Family Combretaceae
Common Name Jangli Badam, Indian Almond
Habit Tree
Synonym Terminalia latifolia Blanco
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Greenish - White
Key Characters Leaves clustered at the end of the branches, obovate; fruits 2-ridged, glabrous.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Deciduous tree, 20-30 m tall, bark dark brown, branches in horizontal whorls; young parts with dense, silky pubescent; leaves coriaceous, clustered towards the ends of branches, very large about 15-20 cm long, obovate, glabrous, apex rounded, base subcordate, gradually tapering into short petiole, pubescent especially on the nerves beneath when young, with 2 glandular depressions near the base of midrib below, leaves turn into red before falling; spikes solitary, axillary up to 10 cm long, grey or dusty, tomentose or pilose; flowers sessile, greenish-white, polygamous, male flowers numerous, majority of upper flowers male, a few lower bisexual; bracts minute; calyx teeth triangular, glabrous or nearly so; petals absent; stamens 10, inserted at the base of calyx; ovary glabrous when young; fruits ellipsoid, more or less compressed, 2 ridged or winged, glabrous, broadly ovate in outline. |