Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Terminalia chebula - Retz.
Family Combretaceae
Common Name Harra or Harda, Myrobalan tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Terminalia chebula var. tomentell (Kurz) Clark.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow-green
Key Characters Leaves not clustered at the end of branches, fruits not winged, 5-ridged when dry, spikes panicled.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large tree up to 30 m high; bark dark brown; branches rusty, villous; leaves not clustered, alternate or subopposite, ovate-elliptic, glabrous, acute, base rounded or cordate, often with 2 glands at the base of lamina; petiole 2-3 cm long; flowers yellow in terminal, panicled spikes, all bisexual; bracteoles conspicuous; calyx campanulate, glabrous outside, hairy within, lobes short, obscure; petals absent; disk epigynous, clothed with yellowish or reddish hairs; stamens 10, inserted in calyx tube; ovary 1-celled, style long, ovules 2-3, pendulous; fruits drupe, pendulous, ellipsoid or ovoid, 5 ribbed or slightly angled not winged when dry. |