Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Terminalia tomentosa - (Roxb.) W. & A.
Family Combretaceae
Common Name Saj, Ain tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Terminalia crenulata Roth.
Habitat Forest
Color Of Flower Dull Yellow
Key Characters Trees large; leaves simple, exstipulate, alternate usually spiral.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tree erect, 30-35 m in height; bark greyish black; leaves alternate or subopposite, broadly elliptic or ovate, glabrous, margin entire or crenulate, apex acute or obtuse, base unequal, sub-acute or cordate, 2-glands near the base of lamina; flowers pale yellow, bisexual, sessile in long, panicled, lax spikes; bracts lanceolate, longer than the flower buds; bracteoles very small; calyx lobes 5, ovate, acute, glabrous; petals absent; stamens 10, inserted at the base of calyx; ovary 1-celled, style long, ovules 2-3, pendulous; fruits large, usually with 5, broad wings, striations carried horizontally to the edge. |