Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Callistemon lanceolatus - (Sm.) Sweet
Family Myrtaceae
Common Name Cheel, Bottle brush
Habit Shrub or small tree
Synonym Callistemon flavescens Regel.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink/crimson red
Key Characters Fruit capsule,leaves linear; flowers in pendulous spikes, petals-5, small.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small tree or shrubs with fissured bark, drooping branches and willowy foliage; leaves sessile, linear-lanceolate, pubescent, light green above, whitish below, sharply acute, margins often revolute; flowers sessile in axils of deciduous, pendulous spikes or many crowded together in bottle brush like tufts, far below the terminal leaves, pink or crimson red; sepals-5, deciduous, obscurely lobed; petals 5, free, caducous; stamens many, filaments free, slender, very long, bright red, anthers oblong; ovary 3-4 celled, pubescent on the top, style short, slender, ovules many; capsules loculicidally dehiscent, globose, truncate at apex; seeds numerous, minute. |