Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Barringtonia acutangula - (L.) Gaertn.
Family Barringtoniaceae
Common Name Samundar-phal, Indian Oak, Freshwater Mangrove
Habit Tree
Synonym Eugenia acutangula L.
Habitat Moist places
Color Of Flower Red
Key Characters Trees, rarely shrubs, fruit berry.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small, glabrous tree; leaves alternate, shortly petioled, large, obovate-oblong, acuminate, minutely denticulate or crenate, glabrous, not gland dotted; racemes terminal or latertal, reaching up to 50 cm, pendulous, densely flowered, fragrant; peduncle glabrous, not succulent; pedicels inconspicuous, bracts small, deciduous; calyx very short, funnel shaped, scarcely produced above the ovary; sepals 4, free, valvate or imbricate; petals 4 or 5, pink-red, ovate, imbricate, somewhat adnate to staminal tube; stamens numerous in many series, filaments long, filiform, exserted, shortly connate into a tube at the base, all fertile; ovary inferior, usually 2-celled, crowned with an annular disk, ovules 2-8 in each cell, style long, slender, stigma small; fruits bluntly 4-angular, ovoid, indehiscent berries, crowned by persistent calyx by abortion 1-seeded; seeds ovoid, black. |