Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Couroupita guianensis - Aubl.
Family Lecythidaceae
Common Name Shivlingi, Naagalinga, The cannon ball tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellowish pink
Key Characters Petals 4-6, free;
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, erect shrubs or small tree, bark brownish grey, rough; leaves alternate, crowded towards the ends of branches, oblong-ovate, entire, acute or obtuse at apex, shortly petioled; flowers large, fragrant, 8-10 cm across in woody, pendulous racemes or solitary on older trunk or lower branches; sepals 6, short; petals 6, broad, yellow or red outside and pink inside; stamens numerous, filaments connate, anthers in a globose head, arched over the stigma; ovary 5-7 celled, ovules many; fruit globose, large, woody, brown, with a strong, unpleasant smell when ripe; seeds numerous. |