Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ammannia aegyptiaca - Willd.
Family Lytheraceae
Common Name Agani buti, Blistering Ammannia
Habit Herb
Synonym Ammania baccifera subsp aegyptica (Willd.) Koehne
Habitat Marshy area
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Stems and branches acutely angled; leaf base flat, narrow.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect, annual, profusely branched, stout glabrous herbs; stems and branches more or less terete or obtusely tetragonous; leaves opposite, sometimes whorled, linear-lanceolate, acute, entire, slightly cordate at base; stipules absent; flowers numerous, densely clustered in axils; bracteoles usually 2; calyx campanulate, 3-5-toothed, often with minute interposed folds, teeth short, triangular; petals 5, small, inserted between the calyx teeth; stamens 5 (2-8), inserted on the calyx tube; ovary enclosed in the calyx tube, 1-5 celled, septa very thin, ovules many, axile placenta; style filiform, short; stigma capitate; capsule membranous, globose-ellipsoid or hemispheric, enclosed in persistent calyx, 2-3 valved, irregularly breaking up or circumsciss; seeds many, small, smooth, rounded or obovoid. |