Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Woodfordia fructicosa - (L.) Kurz
Family Lytheraceae
Common Name Dharu,Dhauri, The red bell bush
Habit Shrub
Synonym Lythrum fruticosum L.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Red
Key Characters Shrub large; flowers tubular, 2-4 cm long.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrub with long, spreading branches; pale brown bark, peeling off in fibres; young parts with small black glands; leaves opposite, subsessile, lanceolate, entire, acute, slightly cordate at base, beneath wtitish with black, glandular dots; flowers axillary, few fascicled or in short, panicled cymes; calyx tubular, long, slightly curved, bright red, mouth oblique, teeth 6-short with 6-minute, accessory teeth; petals 6 or absent, small, red, inserted at the top of calyx tube; stamens 12, inserted on the calyx tube in its mid-portion, declinate, filaments filiform, red; ovary at the bottom of the calyx tube, 2-celled, sessile, oblong, style filiform, stigma small; capsule ellipsoid, membranous, enclosed in persistent calyx tube; seeds many, narrowly cuneate, smooth, without hairs or papillae. |