Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Punica granatum - L.
Family Punicaceae
Common Name Anar, Pomegranate
Habit Shrub or small tree
Synonym Punica florida salisb.
Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower Red or pale, yellow
Key Characters Shrubs, sometimes spiny, with terete branches.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large shrub or small, crooked tree, often armed; leaves exstipulate, opposite or subopposite sometimes clustered, oblong or obovate, narrower at both ends, obtuse, entire, shiny, glabrous on both surfaces; flowers shortly pedicelled, showy, large, scarlet red, axillary, solitary or clustered; calyx tube campanulate, adnate to the ovary below and produced above, coriaceous, red; sepals 5-7, ovate, triangular, thick, leathery, persistent on fruit; petals 5-7, deciduous, orange red or pale yellow, inserted between the calyx lobes, distinctly clawed, limbs wrinkled; stamens many, inserted round the mouth of calyx, deciduous, filaments incurved, anthers 2-celled, dorsifixed; ovary inferior, many celled, many ovuled; style long, bent; stigma capitate; berries large, subglobose, many celled, red-pink or yellowish-white, crowned by unaltered calyx segments, thick walled, subdehiscent; seeds numerous, angular, fleshy or juicy. |