Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ludwigia adscendens - (L.) H. Hara
Family Onagraceae
Common Name Pani ki ghas, Kessara, Water primrose
Habit Aquatic herb
Synonym Jussiaea repens L.
Habitat Moist places
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Plants aquatic with floating/creeping stem; flowers white; petals-5.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Aquatic or semi-aquatic, perennial herb with creeping stem, rooting at the nodes, usually in marshy places; leaves alternate, undivided, glabrous, obovate or oblanceolate, entire, obtuse, narrowed at base into short petiole, sparsely pubescent; flowers yellow or white, pentamerous, solitary, axillary; pedicel usually as long as the capsule; calyx tube scarcely produced above the ovary, teeth-4-5, linear-lanceolate, deltoid, acuminate, persistent; petals 4-5, white with yellow centre, obovate, prominently veined, distinctly calwed; stamens 8-10, inserted with the petals, filaments short; ovary 4-5 celled; style usually very short; stigma capitate, 4-5 lobed; ovules numerous, axile placenta; capsule linear, angular, 4-5 celled, woody, 8-10 ribbed, dehiscing irregularly by terminal pores, thick-walled; seeds many, quadrangular, white, pale brown, without coma. |