Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ludwigia octovalvis - (Jacq.) Raven
Family Onagraceae
Common Name Ban Laung, Agnijaal, Willow primrose
Habit Aquatic Herb
Synonym Jussiaea angustifolia Lam.
Habitat Moist places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Plant of marshy places; stem erect; flowers yellow; petals-4, stamens twice as many as petals (usually 8).
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Much branched herbs or under shrubs, up to 3 m high; leaves alternate, lanceolate, more or less villous; petioles upto 1 cm long; flowers solitary, axillary, yellow; bracts inconspicuous or foliaceous; calyx tubular, quadrangular, scarcely produced above the ovary; sepals-4, ovate or lanceolate, persistent; petals 4, yellow, broadly obovate; stamens-8, epipetalous, filaments short, anthers oblong; ovary 4-celled; style simple; stigma capitate; ovules 1 or many in each cell, placenta axile; capsules thin-walled, linear, terete, membranous not woody, pale brown with 8 darker ribs; seeds subhemispheric, pluriseriate in each cell, free, brown. |