Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cucumis melo - L.
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name Kharbooz
Habit Climbing herb
Synonym Cucumis acidus Jacq.
Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Fruit very large, edible, ovary softly hairy, fruit globose.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Prostrate creeping, hispid, annual herb; stem angular, grooved or terete, scabrous; tendrils simple; leaves 3-7 lobed, lobes shallow, obtuse, suborbicular, hirsute on both sides, margines denticulate, base cordate; flowers yellow, monoecious, shortly peduncled; male flowers fascicled; calyx tube narrow, turbinate, lobes-5, subulate, erect or spreading, villous; corolla subcampanulate, yellow, deeply 5-lobed, limbs ovate-oblong acute; stamens-3, free. filaments very short, anthers free, 1-anther 1-celled, others 2-celled; connective produced above or appendiculate, appendage shorter than the anthers, pistillode glanduliform; female flower axillary, solitary; staminodes absent; ovary ovoid or globose, 3-5 placentiferous, ovules numerous, style short, stigma 3-fid, obtuse; fruits ellipsoid, oblong or obovoid, tuberculate or smooth, not spinous, greenish-yellow; seeds oblong, beaked, white, smooth. |