Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Momordica charantia - L.
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name Karela, Bitter gourd
Habit Climber
Synonym Cucumis argyi H.Lev.
Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Plants monoecious.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Extensive climbers, stem branched, grooved, puberulous; tendrils simple, slender, elongate, pubescent; leaves cordate or orbicular, glabrous or slightly pubescent, lobes 5-7, oblong, narrow sinuate or subpinnatifid, divided up to the base; male flowers solitary, axillary on long pedicels, with a slender bract; calyx tube short, with 2-3, basal, oblong, incurved scales near the base, lobes-5, ovate, acute or obtuse; corolla 5-partite, nearly to the base, yellow, much longer than calyx; stamens 3, filaments short, anthers at length free, one 1-locular, two 2-bilocular; female flowers solitary on 5-10 cm long, slender peduncle, bracteates near the base; calyx and corolla as in male flowers; ovary fusiform, rostrate, muricate; ovules many, 3-placentiferous, style slender, stigma-3, entire or bifid; fruits fusiform, oblong, rostrate, muricate-tuberculate, indehiscent or 3-valved, many or few seeded; seeds obovate, compressed, smooth, corrugate or sculptured. |