Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Opuntia elatior - Mill.
Family Cactaceae
Common Name Nagphani, Prickly pear
Habit Shrub
Synonym Cactus elatior (Mill) Will.
Habitat Waste places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Plants armed, branches flattened, areoles glochidiate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect, tall, succulent shrub with branches spreading forming thickets; stem modified into phylloclades; stem jointed, compressed, ovate-oblong, spinous; areoles with 3-7, strong, divaricate, translucent, yellow mottled or purplish black spines; flowers solitary, brown along margins of phylloclade, yellow soon becoming tinged with purple; calyx tube adnate to ovary, limbs 3 or more, small; petals numerous, free or united at the base; stamens many, purple, half the length of the perianth, filaments filiform; ovary 1-celled, ovules many or parietal placenta, style filiform, stigma 2 or more rayed; berries red, 1-celled, pulpy, marked with areoles but bristles and spines deciduous, top depressed; seeds oblong or reniform, many. |