Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Glinus lotoides - L.
Family Molluginaceae
Common Name Kotrak, Lotus sweet juice
Habit Herb
Synonym Glinus micranthus Boiss
Habitat Moist places
Color Of Flower Greenish White
Key Characters Flowers in axillary clusters, seeds appendaged, plants densely stellate hairy; flowers green.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small, prostrate, procumbent or erect, annual herb; branches often dichotomous, softly villous with stellate hairs; leaves subsessile or sessile, opposite or falsely whorled, obovate-rotundate, obtuse, apiculate, cuneate at base, sometimes with undulate margins; flowers axillary, sessile or pedicelled, 1-6, fascicled or clustered in cymes; bracts inconspicuous; sepals-5, acute, usually with many, white, stellate hairs outside, often densely woolly; persistent petals absent; stamens usually 10, staminodes absent or very small; ovary ovoid or subglobose, 3-5 celled, style 3-5, linear, erect, spreading or recurved, persistent; stigma 5-lobed, oblong; capsules ovoid, dehiscent, 3-5 valved, membranous sheathed by the persistent sepals; seeds many, small, tuberculate, brown or black, with a shining membranous appendage, as a small, white, scale, extending into long filiform bristle like process which curls half round the seed. |