Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Aptenia cordifolia - (L. f.) Schwantes
Family Aizoaceae
Common Name Baby Sun Rose, Ice plant
Habit Herb
Synonym Ludolfia cordifolius (L.f.) L. Bolus
Habitat Coastal areas
Color Of Flower Bright pink
Key Characters Plant ornamental; leaves cordade flower about 2 cm across.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Evergreen, fast-growing, succulent, perennial herb; roots thick, fleshy; stems prostrate, four-angled or ternate; bladder or water cells present close to the surface that shine in the sunlight; leaves opposite, thick, fleshy, flattened, cordate to ovate, acuminate or acute; flowers purple to red, showy, axillary, solitary or few in clusters on short peduncles; calyx tube short or long, lobes-5, often mucronate; petals absent; stamens 5-10, inserted on the top of the calyx tube; ovary free, 1-2 celled, ovules 1-many; styles 1 or 2, subulate; capsule 1-2 or 4 chambered, membranous below with a hard, thick cap, its detachment by circumsciss dehiscence exposed four, lidless chambers, each with one, large, blackish-brown seed. |