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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Trianthema portulacastrum - L.
Family Aizoaceae
Common Name Biskhapra, Patharchatta, Desert Horse Purslane
Habit Herb
Synonym Verbesina aquatic Naronha
Habitat Waste land
Color Of Flower Pinkish white
Key Characters Plant wild; leaves obovate, flower less than 1 cm across
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Prostrate, diffused, glabrous or papilose, more or less succulent herb; stem often tinged purple, branches forked; leaves opposite, in unequal pairs, linear or broadly ovate-obovate, entire; petioles short, prominant, connected at the base by dilated membranous margins, pilose to glabrous; flowers small, axillary, solitary, sessile on pouch like petiolar sheaths; calyx-tube short or long, lobes 5, obtuse or cuspidate, petaloid, pinkish white; petals absent; stamens usually 15 (5-10 or more), anthers pink or white, inserted near the top of calyx tube; ovary free, conical, 1-2 celled, style 1 or 2, subulate,ovule-1, sometimes more; capsule membranous or coriaceous, clavate, circumsciss dehiscent, the upper part carries away one or more seeds attached to or enclosed in it; seeds 3-5, reniform, scarcely shining, black. |