Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Trachyspermum ammi - (L.) Sprague
Family Apiaceae
Common Name Ajwain, Bishop’s Weed
Habit Herb
Synonym Ammi copticum L.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Petals pink-white, leaflets not filiform.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, glabrous or minutely pubescent herb; stem slender, branched; leaves 2-3 pinnately decompound, ultimate segments narrowly linear, petioles grooved; flowers in axillary and terminal, peduncled umbels, primary umbels 4-12 rayed; pedicels more or less pubescent; bracts many, linear, sometimes divided; bracteoles 3-5, small, linear; calyx hairy outside, teeth small; petals 5, white, retuse or emarginate, often inflexed, free, valvate or imbricate; stamens 5, epigynous; ovary 2-locular, crowned with a large epigynous disk; ovule solitary, pendulous in each locule, styles 2; fruit of 2 indehiscent carpels, pendulous from summit of the carpophore, each 5-ridged, ovoid, muricate, hispid, dorsally compressed, cremocarps with distinct ridges. |