Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Polysias balfouriana - (Andre.) Bailey
Family Araliaceae
Common Name Aralias
Habit Herb
Synonym Aralia balfouriana Andre
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Greenish white
Key Characters Tall shrub, fruit drupaceous.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tall, erect shrub, reaching up to 1 to 2 meters in height; branches bronzy, leaves alternate, pinnate, leaflets orbicular, coriaceous, entire subentire or crenate with dark green pigment or variegated, glossy in texture; variously lobed or 2-3 pinnate or appear divided; leaves vary from narrowly ovate to lanceolate and are about 10 cm long; petioles long; flowers (not seen) usually clustered in umbels, pedicels continous with base of calyx; bracts-bracteoles small; calyx tube adnate to ovary, limbs truncate with small teeth or obsolute; petals-5, valvate; stamens as many as and alternate with petals, inserted round the epigynous disc; ovary 2-celled, ovule solitary in each; fruit drupaceous. |