Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Desmodium gangeticum - (L.) DC.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Sarivan, Sal leaved desmodium
Habit Herb or undershrub
Synonym Hedysarum gangeticum L.
Habitat Deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Voilet to white
Key Characters Shrubs or herbs, leaves 1-foliolate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Woody, sub-erect undershrub; branches clothed with short grey pubescence, somewhat angular; stipules subulate, scarious; leaves simple or unifoliate, alternate, stipellate, lamina membranous, sub-coriaceous, oblong-ovate, broad, acuminate, entire, subcordate, narrow gradually to an acute point at the base, glabrous above, thinly grey puberulous beneath, main lateral nerves and pedicels puberulous; racemes axillary or terminal, sublax, simple or with a few ascending, short lateral branches in lower part; bracts minute, setaceous; flowers numerous; calyx tube, finely downy, teeth lanceolate; corolla violet, purple or white, exserted, standard broad, wings adhering to the obtuse keel; stamens diadelphous (9+1), upper stamen free nine united; ovary sessile or stipitate, few ovuled, style incurved, stigma minute, capitate; pods 6-8 jointed, indehiscent, joints 1-seeded, compressed, grabrescent or clothed with minute hooked hairs. |