Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Gliricidia maculata - (Humb.,Bonpl. &Kunth)Steud.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Giripushpa, Mexican Lilac
Habit Tree
Synonym Lonchocarpus maculates (Humb.,Bonpl. &Kunth)DC
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Leaflets acute, 7-10 pairs; pods few seeded, not septate between seeds.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Deciduous small, tree; branches upright, glandular hairy, large, arching; leaves imparipinnate, long, with small, grey spotting glands beneath, grey pubescent when young; leaflets opposite, 25-31, elliptic-ovate, entire, subacute, subcordate at base, strongly odorous; flowers crowded in erect or drooping, simple or branched racemes, in axils of fallen leaves on older stems; calyx cupular, tube shorter than teeth, ovate, acute, two upper subconnate; corolla pink or white, twice as long as calyx, much exserted, standard much orbicular, wings narrow, keel not bneaked; stamens diadelphous, anthers obtuse or muticous hairs basifixed; pods indehiscent, oblong, stipitate, thick, broadly linear, compressed, glabrous; seeds 4-12, compressed, suborbicular, yellowish-brown, ellipsoid. |