Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Haemelia patens - Jacq.
Family Rubiaceae
Common Name Firebush, Hummingbird bush, Scarlet bush
Habit Shrub
Synonym Duhamelia patens (Jacq.) Pers.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Orange
Key Characters Leaves in whorls of 3, ovary 5-locular, seeds many.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, much-branched shrub, branches reddish-brown, pubescent; leaves opposite or sometimes in whorls, elliptic-obovate or broadly lanceolate, acute or subacuminate at apex, glabrous above and pubescent beneath; petioles short, pubescent; stipules interpetiolar, triangular, acute; flowers sessile or subsessile in terminal, helicoid cymes; calyx tubular, segments shortly toothed, triangular; corolla orange, tube narrowly cylindric, limbs acute, 5-ribbed, constricted in middle; disc thick, conical; stamens 5, epitalous, connate below, usually exceeding corolla lobes; ovary 5 locular, style filiform, stigma fusiform, twisted; fruits ovoid, dark red or purple, berries, crowned by the disc. |