Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Mussaenda glabra - Vahl
Family Rubiaceae
Common Name Sarved, Wild Mussanda, Flag bush
Habit Shrub
Synonym Mussaenda frondosa.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves glabrous, one calyx teeth form ovate, white or yellow tooth.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Beautiful shrub or undershrub, almost glabrous, branches angular when young, covered with coarse brown pubescence; leaves elliptic-oblong, acuminate at apex, nerves beneath often hairy; shortly petiolate, stipulus small, simple or 2-fid; flowers in terminal cymes, glabrous or sparsely appressed hairy; bract subulate; calyx caducous, 5-lobed, adnate to ovary, one lobe enlarged into broad, leaf like, obtuse, pale yellow structure; corolla yellow or orange, salver shaped, tube very slender, yellowish, silky hairy near the mouth, lobes very short, acute; stamens 5, included, inserted on the throat of corolla, anthers linear, filaments short; ovary 2-celled, style filiform, stigma-2, linear, ovules many on peltate, fleshy placenta; berries or drupe, indehiscent, glabrous, globose or obovoid, many seeded, each with a brood aereole; seeds minute. |