Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Mussaenda philippica - A. Rich.
Family Rubiaceae
Common Name Bedina, Red Flagbush, Mussaenda
Habit Shrub
Synonym Mussaenda splendida Welw.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves pubescent, calyx lobes variable, much larger, elongate-lanceolate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrub large, spreading branches tomentose; leaves shortly petioled, ovate, acuminate at apex, silky hairy; stipules small; flowers in dense terminal cymes, glabrous or sparsely hairy; bracts small, subulate; sepals 5, sessile, expanded, rose pink or scarlet, hairy on both surfaces, more or less orbicular; corolla salver shaped hairy, yellow, with cushion of blood red, felt in centre, tube very slender, silky hairy near the mouth; stamens 5, included, inserted on the throat of corolla, anthers linear, filaments short; ovary 2-celled, style filiform, stigma-2, ovules many on fleshy placenta; berries obovoid, indehiscent, many seeded, glabrous; seeds minute. |