Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Neolamarckia cadamba - (Roxb.) Bosser.
Family Naucleaceae
Common Name Kadamb, Cadamba
Habit Tree
Synonym A. cadamba Roxb.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Orange
Key Characters Flowers ebracteate, corolla lobes imbricate, stigma fusiform, seeds not winged.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Beautiful, large, deciduous, glabrous tree with horizontal ly spreading branches; leaves shortly petioled, opposite, large, coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, acute or acuminate, entire, penninerved shining above, pubescent beneath; stipules interpeliolar, lanceolate, acute caducous; flowers bisexual, pentamerous, in solitary, globose, terminal, shortly peduncled heads, scented at night; bracts minute, bracteoles absent; calyx 5-lobed, imbricate, tubular, persistent or deciduous; corolla funnel shaped, tube long, throat glabrous, orange with white stigmas; stamens 5, inserted on the throat of corolla, filaments glabrous, short, anthers dorsifixed; ovary 2-celled below, 4-celled above, ovules numerous on 2, bifid placentae, style exserted, filiform, stigma spindle shaped or fusiform, fruits confluent into globose, fleshy mass of many, few seeded, coriaceous pyrenes; seeds minute. |