Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Blumea oxydonta - DC.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Spiny leaved Blumea
Habit Herb
Synonym Blumea bovina Edgew.
Habitat Waste places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Prostrate or procumbent; heads on slender peduncles.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, prostrate or procumbent, pubescent herb; branches spreading from the base, slender, dichotomously forked; leaves alternate, spinulose-toothed, crowded at the base, lower petioled upper sessile, obovate or oblong, white, silky hairy on both surfaces; heads orange to yellow, heterogamous on slender peduncles, solitary or few in a corymb, involucral bracts many seriate, outer bracts linear, acute, densely villous on the back, inner bracts linear with scarious margins; receptacle flat, glabrous; outer florets many seriate, female, fertile, filiform; inner disk florets few, bisexual, fertile, tubular, slender, 5-toothed; corolla lobes glabrous; stamens 5, epepetalous, syngenecious, anthers sagitate; ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled, solitary, basal, obtuse, style arms elongate, obtuse; achenes oblong, brown, sparingly silky; pappus 3.5 mm long, deciduous, white. |