Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Elephantopus scaber - L.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Ban Tambakhu, Elephants foot plant
Habit Herb
Synonym Elephantopus sordidus Salisb.
Habitat Mixed forest
Color Of Flower Violet/Purple
Key Characters Leaves altemate; corolla pink/purple.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, dichotomously branched, rigid herb stem erect, terete, stout, scabrid, strigose and villous; radiculate leaves alternate, obovate-oblong, crenate, cauline leaves few, sessile, small, amplexicaul; heads homogamous, 2-5 flowered, sessile, forming a large terminal, flat-topped inflorescence, surrounded at the base by 3, cordate, leafy bracts; involucre compressed; bracts pungent, dry, stiff, about 8 leafy, alternately flat and conduplicate; all flowers equally 4-lobed, cleft on one side with the lobe spreading; corolla tubular, violet to purple; anther bases obtuse; style arms subulate; achenes truncate, 10 ribbed, hairy; pappus of 4-5, rigid, shining bristles, dilated at the base. |