Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Glossocardia bosvallea - (L.f.) DC.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name Seri
Habit Herb
Synonym Verbesina bosvallea L.
Habitat Sandy and rocky soil
Color Of Flower Yelllow
Key Characters Pappus 2-awned, scales narrow, smooth.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect or prostrate, small, glabrous herb; stem diffusely branched from the base; branches grooved, strict or fluxuous; leaves alternate, 2-pinnatisect on long, slender petioles, lamina ovate, segments filiform; heads small, yellow, terminal or axillary, shortly peduncled, heterogamous; receptacle small, flat; involucre oblong; bracts 2-seriate; outer small, usually 1-3, slender with ciliate margins; inner much larger, oblong, obtuse, striated, glabrous with broad, membranous margins; stamens-5, epipetalous, syngenecious, anthers base entire; ovary-1 celled, 1-ovuled, solitary, basal, obtuse, style arms of females linear, acute, hispid tips; achenes narrowly oblong, dorsally much compressed, faces bearded; pappus of 2, small, smooth, stiff awns. |